Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Mitos Menyapu

Hay guys , I come back again in front of your's computer . Tonight i wanting post about " Mitos Menyapu " you know that  jawa's people have a believing about sweep. If someone sweep and still dirty , usually old people will say " future , your Husband/wife will has BREWOK . And sure all people will sweep until clean. But now , i'm not to sweep until clean . You know what ? because now many handsome man in the world have BREWOK . example : Logan Lerman  ... ( walaupun jarang )Haduh dipikir capek juga ya nulis post pakek bahasa inggris , apalagi nulisnya manual gak pakek google translet. Oh ya contohnya Logan Lerman si ganteng imut cucuokbadai

Atau si Ganteng Robert Pattinson

Kalau begitu guys , besok besok kalau nyapu gak usah bersih - bersih biar dapet pasangan yang brewokan . wkwkwkwkwwk .
Kenapa gue nulis rada' ngelantur gini . Udah deh gue akhiri tulisan ini guys.

Salam Anak Alay

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